Course Workspace Registration

You can create a token on Canvas by using Account > Settings > Approved Integrations. Access token is only required while you use this application. Please do not forget to delete is afterwards or set a short expiration duration.


By providing the access token you authorize this application to access information on your canvas courses and users enrolled to the courses for which you have a Teacher role. The application does not store the access token. The following information is accessed and stored by the application:


  • Course ID
  • Name
  • List of enrolled users

Users (e.g. students, teachers, TAs):

  • User ID
  • Name-surname
  • Employee ID

Because the application does not store the access token, it does not update the enrollment lists automatically. Please use the application again if it is necessary to change access rights of existing or recently enrolled users.

Please contact Serkan Girgin ( if you have any questions or comments.