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* GMT Version: : 6.1.1
* Options:
* Found GSHHG database : /data/public/GSHHG/gmt (2.3.7)
* Found DCW-GMT database : /data/public/DCW/gmt (1.1.4)
* Found GMT data server :
* NetCDF library : /usr/local/lib/
* NetCDF include dir : /usr/local/include
* Curl library :
* Curl include dir : /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu
* GDAL library : /usr/local/lib/
* GDAL include dir : /usr/local/include
* GEOS library : /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
* GEOS include dir : /usr/include
* FFTW library : /usr/local/lib/
* FFTW threads library : /usr/local/lib/
* FFTW include dir : /usr/local/include
* Accelerate Framework :
* Regex support : PCRE (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
* ZLIB library :
* ZLIB include dir : /usr/include
* LAPACK library : yes
* BLAS library : yes
* License restriction : no
* Triangulation method : Shewchuk
* OpenMP support : enabled
* GLIB GTHREAD support : enabled
* Build generator : Unix Makefiles
* Build GMT core : always []
* Build PSL library : always []
* Build GMT supplements : yes []
* Build GMT for developers : yes
* Build proto supplements : none
* Build module links : no
* Found Ghostscript (gs) : yes (9.50)
* Found GraphicsMagick (gm) : yes (1.3.35)
* Found ffmpeg : yes (4.2.4)
* Found open : no
* Found ogr2ogr : yes (3.2.1)
* Found gdal_translate : yes (3.2.1)
* Locations:
* Installing GMT in : /usr/local
* GMT_DATADIR : /usr/local/share/gmt
* GMT_DOCDIR : /usr/local/share/gmt/doc
* GMT_MANDIR : /usr/local/share/gmt/man