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PnetCDF Version 1.12.1
Features: Build static libraries - yes
Build shared libraries - yes
Build Fortran APIs - yes
Build C++ APIs - yes
Thread-safe capability - enabled
Compilers: MPICC = /usr/bin/mpicc
MPICXX = /usr/bin/mpicxx
MPIF77 = /usr/bin/mpif77
MPIF90 = /usr/bin/mpif90
CFLAGS = -g -O2
FFLAGS = -g -O2
FCFLAGS = -g -O2
LIBS = -lpthread
Now run 'make' to build the library and utility tools.
Then run 'make [<target>]' for testing and installation, where the
optional <target> can be:
tests - build all test programs (build only, no run)
check - run sequential test programs
ptest - run parallel test programs on 4 MPI processes
ptests - run parallel test programs on 3,4,6,8 MPI processes
install - install PnetCDF library in /usr/local